Learner Assistance

At Women’s College Hospital (WCH), we are committed to creating the conditions for a healthy, respectful and positive learning experience. This page acts as a quick reference for all learners and students who have concerns while on placement including:

  • Learner Mistreatment
  • Occupational Health (Accidents, Injuries, or Illnesses)
  • Accommodations

If your health or safety of yourself or someone else is at risk, call 911 or seek immediate assistance from onsite security or other authorities.

Key Site Contacts

If you require assistance during your time at WCH, you may want to contact someone. In addition to contacting your own educational institution and/or professional associations, you may choose to speak with a WCH staff.

All WCH Learners

Amy Gleiser, Director, Learning Institute (Amy.Gleiser@wchospital.ca)

Sharon Tan, Manager, Learner & Student Services (Sharon.Tan@wchospital.ca)

WCH Medical Students, Residents, and Fellows

Dr. Pamela Lenkov, Director, Undergraduate Medical Education for Peters-Boyd Academy in the Faculty of Medicine at WCH


Jennifer Alexander, Medical Education Coordinator Post Graduate and Undergraduate


WCH Nursing, Health Disciplines, and Research Learners

Carly Gasparotto, Education Coordinator for Nursing, Health Disciplines, and Research (wchlearner@wchospital.ca)

Addressing Placement Issues & Concerns

At WCH, we are committed to providing you with a safe and respectful workplace in an environment that respects equity, diversity and inclusion for everyone including our learners. If you are experiencing issues with your placement, the hospital, faculty/staff or another learner, or have experienced any form of learner mistreatment, including but not limited to discrimination, harassment, and violence, we can help. 

Our team is here to listen, support, and guide those who have experienced or witnessed such incidents. If you are uncomfortable speaking to the individuals suggested at any point during the process, please feel free to contact the Manager of Learner and Student Services (Sharon.Tan@wchospital.ca), or anyone in the Learning Institute.

Speak with your preceptor or supervisor. If you are comfortable, we encourage you to address the concern with the person you are working with on a daily basis.

Speak with your area or education lead/coordinator. This may include your site director, patient care manager, professional and/or education leader, advanced practice nurse or clinical coordinator.

Speak with a member of the Learning Institute. This includes the Manager of Learner and Student Services (Sharon.Tan@wchospital.ca), Director of the Learning Institute (Amy.Gleiser@wchospital.ca), or Education Coordinator for Nursing, Health Discipline, Research, and Non-Clinical facing learners at wchlearner@wchospital.ca.

Speak with the Vice-President of Academics. If you feel the need to address your concern at the senior leadership level, please contact Vice-President of Academics (Rulan.Parekh@wchospital.ca)

Learner mistreatment refers to intentional or unintentional behaviours that show disrespect for the dignity of others. This can be further categorized as:

  • Unprofessional Behaviour
  • Discrimination and Discriminatory Harassment
  • Sexual Harassment or Violence

If you experience a concern during your placement, we encourage you to consider one of the actions in the Learner Support Pathway to decide the option best for your situation, in addition to referring to the different contacts at WCH. You may also choose to disclose or report mistreatment through the Learner Incident Reporting Form, where you can anonymously disclose or report an incident. Our goal in providing this information is to ensure you have the knowledge and tools to choose the pathway that is most applicable to you and your situation.

Learners may also choose to contact their educational institution’s dedicated pathway:

  • For University of Toronto undergraduate and postgraduate medical learners: Please refer to the Temerty Faculty of Medicine “Learner Mistreatment” guidelines for disclosing/reporting mistreatment, which also include options for anonymous reporting through the Learner Experience Office in the Temerty Faculty of Medicine
  • For University of Toronto pharmacy studentsPlease contact the Office of Experiential Education (OEE).

Unprofessional behaviour (selected examples):

  • Public humiliation
  • Being subjected to outbursts of anger (e.g. shouting, throwing objects)
  • Being subjected to unhelpful, negative comments about the character of another physician / health professional / learner
  • Being subjected to reprisal or a threat of reprisal (punishment) for bringing a concern forward, where the reprisal is made or threatened by a person who has the power to impact the opportunities you have in your placement.

Discrimination and discriminatory harassment (selected examples):

  • Being subjected to offensive remarks/being called names related to or based on any of the protected grounds identified in the Ontario Human Rights Code (for example, gender, race/ethnicity, etc.)
  • Being denied opportunities for training or rewards based on any of the protected grounds identified in the Ontario Human Rights Code
  • Receiving lower evaluations/grades based on any of the protected grounds identified in the Ontario Human Rights Code
  • Being subjected to reprisal or threat of reprisal (punishment) for bringing a Human Rights concern forward, where the reprisal is made or threatened by a person who has the power to impact the opportunities you have in your placement.

Sexual violence and sexual harassment (selected examples):

  • Being sexually solicited or subjected to an advance by a person who has the power to impact the opportunities you have in your placement, where the person making the solicitation or advance knows or should know that it is unwelcome.
  • Being subjected to reprisal or a threat of reprisal (punishment) for the rejection of a sexual solicitation or advance, where the reprisal is made or threatened by a person in a position to give or deny a benefit or advancement.
  • Being subjected to sexist remarks/names.
  • Being subjected to sex-related comments about physical appearance or actions.


Discussing is when you meet with a designated program leader to talk about, debrief or unpack an incident or experience. If you are comfortable, this could include your preceptor or supervisor; your area or professional lead (such as education lead, manager, practice leader or clinical coordinator); or a designated hospital leader.


Disclosing is when you give information about the behaviour of an individual to the hospital (a designated hospital leader) to seek information about your options, including for safety, support or accommodations.
Anonymous disclosures: If the decision is to proceed with an anonymous disclosure or report, you will not be able to participate in the review process or receive information about its outcome.


Reporting is when information about an individual’s conduct is given with the intent that the hospital formally reviews and potentially acts upon the information.

Occupational Health

If there is an outbreak declared in the area where you have your placement/rotation area and you develop an infectious illness, you must follow up with Occupational Health, Safety and Wellness (OHSW) ohs@wchospital.ca or call (416) 323-6400 x 6023.

The WCH education team is available to help you arrange to make up lost placement/rotation hours if needed. Talk to your preceptor/supervisor or clinical instructor via email for Nursing, Health Disciplines and Other (wchlearner@wchospital.ca).

Contact OHSW at ohs@wchospital.ca or call (416) 323-6400 x 6023 for illness surveillance-related issues. Appropriate medical care may include contacting your family physician, your University/College student health facilities, contacting Telehealth Ontario or your local public health agency, or visiting an Urgent Care Centre or Emergency Department.

Women’s College Hospital (WCH) is committed to workplace and patient safety and supports the prevention and control of communicable diseases. WCH will make every reasonable effort to identify potential risks and minimize them through our Occupational Health, Safety, Wellness (OHSW) and Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) programs.

The hospital recognizes that influenza is a serious communicable disease and strongly recommends that all persons carrying out activities within the hospital be vaccinated annually with influenza vaccine. Those vaccinated against influenza should have a current sticker from WCH or from another hospital within the TAHSN affixed to their photo ID badge that indicates their influenza immunization status for the duration of the current flu season.

If you have any further inquiries, please contact the OHSW department at ohs@wchospital.ca or call (416) 323-6400 x 6023

Illnesses or Sickness

If you become sick while you are on-site at Women’s College Hospital, you need to inform your Preceptor/Supervisor wchlearner@wchospital.ca or Clinical Instructor as well as the manager on the unit before leaving to seek appropriate medical care. Please also ensure that you alert your placement contact at your school.

As well as following the hospital protocol below.

For infectious illnesses, and/or for times where you develop gastrointestinal or flu/flu-like symptoms, you must ensure you comply with the WCH requirements of an infectious illness.


Accidents or Injuries

If you experience an injury while on placement, please follow the steps outlined below:

  1. Alert your supervisor/preceptor and seek medical assistance as required.
  2. Complete an OHSW incident report in the Incident reporting system (IRIS) through your preceptor/supervisor.
  3. Provide a copy of your incident report to your school/faculty and ensure that they are aware of your injury and any anticipated time off as a result of the injury.
  4. Collaborate with your preceptor/supervisor to negotiate your return to placement as required.

Note: For any safety-related issues (small chemical or chemotherapy spills, issues of concern over environmental factors that could cause illness or injury), call OHSW at ohs@wchospital.ca or call (416) 323-6400 x 6023. Critical Incidents are reportable to the Ministry of Labour. They consist of a life-threatening injury, loss of consciousness, substantial loss of blood, fractured arm/leg (not a finger or toe), burn to a major portion of the body or loss of sight in an eye involving staff (including residents). OHSW will provide assistance and obtain incident details to complete any required reporting.

  1. Get immediate medical assistance by calling a code blue and 911
  2. Do not disturb the area unless necessary to prevent further injury or equipment damage

Sharps and Needlestick Injuries

Addressing sharps and needlestick injuries helps identify patterns and causes of injuries, leading to improved safety protocols and training programs. By reporting incidents, you contribute to a safer healthcare environment, protecting yourself and your colleagues while enhancing overall patient care quality. When a sharps or needlestick injury occurs, please follow the steps outlined below:

Monday – Friday  8:00am – 4:00pm
1 Alert the preceptor/supervisor about the needlestick/sharps injury. Ensure First Aid is completed required.
2 The preceptor/supervisor will complete an OHSW incident report in the Incident reporting system (IRIS). A call will be made to OHSW at ex. 6023 that a needlestick injury occurred and the learner will go to OHSW Office (Rm 7439). Take the Patient Label and bring OHIP Card to OHSW.
3 After speaking to OHSW, the learner will return to the unit with Source Patient forms to be completed.

1.       Patient Consent for HIV Testing Form

–          Attending Physician (or another physician the Attending has given consent to), will need to review the consent form with the Source Patient and have it signed

–          Patient’s Consent form cannot be reviewed by the individual that sustained the injury or the Charge Nurse

2.       Send Source Patient to Lobby Lab (M-F, 8am-5:30pm)

–          Once Patient Consent for HIV Testing Form is signed, give forms (4 pages total) to patient to bring with them to the Lobby Lab to have blood drawn


After Hours or Weekends (OHSW and Lobby Lab Closed)
1 Alert the unit manager about the needlestick/sharps injury. Ensure you receive First Aid as required.
2 The unit manager will complete an IRIS Report while onsite at WCH. This notifies OHSW to follow up following the incident and to provide blood work results once received

Once IRIS is complete, notify OHSW/IPAC On-Call though Switchboard and if unable to reach, notify the Admin Manager or the Director On-Call.

3 Complete the Needlestick Package: Source Patient Forms (with red circle):

1st Page: Draw blood following the Checklist (will say Lobby Lab Use Only)

2nd Page: Source Patient needs to sign Patient Consent for HIV Testing with Attending Physician present or another physician the Attending has given consent to

–          Patient’s Consent form cannot be reviewed by the Employee that sustained the injury or the Charge Nurse

3rd and 4th Page: Complete Hep B, Hep C and HIV requisitions (highlighted sections only)

*Save Consent Forms for OHSW (internal mail delivery) and blood work results will be sent to OHSW directly.

Note: If blood cannot be drawn from the source patient on the unit, please contact OHSW/IPAC On-Call though Switchboard for next steps

















Complete the Needlestick Package: Employee Forms (with blue circle):

1st Page: Disregard

2nd Page: Employee/learner needs to sign Employee Consent for HIV Antibody Testing

3rd and 4th Page: Complete Hep B, Hep C and HIV requisitions (highlighted sections only)

Note: for HIV requisition, complete Date of birth and Identifier instead of full name.

Identifier: YearMonthDayInitials of individual – example: 20231215AB

Bloodwork: Employee/learner can have blood work drawn onsite if staff are available. It not, they would need to go to nearest emergency department to have bloodwork completed and to have the option of Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP) offered to them.

*Save Consent Forms for OHSW (internal mail delivery) and blood work results will be sent to OHSW directly.

Questions? Contact OHSW/IPAC On-Call through Switchboard


Accommodations and Accessibility

As stated in the policies outlining the rights to inclusive environments in the Ontario Human Rights Code, the standards set out in the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA), and the hospital’s policy to adhere to such principles and practices in fostering a safe and accessible environment, this policy applies to all learners, students, and trainees engaged with WCH.

The main hospital entrance and the main entrance to the Family Practice Health Centre are both wheelchair accessible.

Underground parking is available. Each level of the parking garage has accessible parking options.


76 Grenville Street

Main Floor:

  • Universal washroom with an adult changing table labelled 1439
  • Breastfeeding room with washroom labelled 1420

All Floors:

  • Each floor has single washrooms that can accommodate individuials using mobility scooters
  • Each floor has all gender communal washrooms that have wheelchair accessible stalls
  • On each floor communal or group washrooms can be found near the glass staircase except Levels 5 and 8
  • On level 5 the accessible all gender communal washroom is located down thw est corridor of the patient waiting area for the clinic
  • On level 8 the accessible all gender communal washroom is located west of the patient waiting area for the operating rooms


77 Grenville Street

  • Levels 1 to 4 have barrier-free communal washrooms
  • Levels 3 and 4 have additional barrier-free single washrooms

Learners requiring accommodations due to disabilities or special needs are encouraged to disclose their requirements in advance of their start date. The Learning Institute will work collaboratively with learners, preceptors, and educational institutions to implement reasonable, individualized accommodations, fostering an inclusive learning environment. If accommodations are required while with WCH, please ensure to notify your preceptor and do not hesitate to contact Sharon.Tan@wchospital.ca.

We are committed to creating the conditions for a healthy, respectful and positive patient-care and work environment.

To ensure that our services are accessible to everyone, we will enable access to assistive devices, use of service animals and support persons.

Devices used to assist persons with disabilities in carrying out activities or in accessing the services of persons or organizations covered by the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act. Assistive devices include, but are not limited to, wheelchairs, hearing devices and devices for grasping.

Support Services in Community

If you are having a personal crisis, please know that you are not alone and there are many individuals and resources that can help. If your health or safety, or that of someone else, is at risk, please call 911 or seek medical attention immediately. Otherwise please feel free to contact our Occupational Health, Safety, and Wellness Department, or Student Affairs or Wellness Centre at your respective academic institution or professional associations, as appropriate. Other services available include:

Crisis Text Line

  • Text 686868
  • www.crisistextline.ca
  • Crisis Text Line is free, 24/7 support for those in crisis.
  • Text 686868 from anywhere in Canada to text with a trained Crisis Counselor. Crisis Text Line trains volunteers to support people in crisis.

2-1-1 Toronto

  • Phone 211
  • www.211toronto.ca
  • Free and confidential service that provides 24/7 access to a variety of resources including support services for a medical crisis, mental health and addictions among others.


  • Phone 1-866-925-5454 (or connect through 2-1-1)
  • www.Good2talk.ca
  • Good2Talk is a free, confidential helpline providing professional counselling and information and referrals for mental health, addictions and well-being to post-secondary students in Ontario, 24/7/365

408-Help Line

  • Phone 408-HELP (4357)
  • TEXT45645 www.torontodistresscentre.com
  • Free and confidential service that provides 24/7 access to trained volunteers that support people in distress or in need of emotional support.