The Audit & Feedback MetaLab

Creating shared learning and expertise on Audit & Feedback

Logo: Two arrows in a circle, with the text Audit & Feedback Metal Lab

Audit & feedback (A&F) is defined as a summary of clinical performance provided over a specified period of time, and aims to improve healthcare quality.

The A&F MetaLab website allows those using A&F and researchers in the field to connect and create shared learning across A&F laboratories around the world to increase the effectiveness of A&F.

Learn more about the A&F MetaLab and what we aim to achieve in our BMJ Quality and Safety article here.

What the A&F MetaLab offers

This website is for those involved in measuring quality indicators and feeding them back to healthcare professionals including:

Policy Makers

Healthcare Providers

Intervention Designers


We offer a list of resources to help you design and evaluate A&F interventions and explain the theory and evidence behind the success or failure of A&F.

Logo: Two arrows in a circle, with the text Audit & Feedback Metal Lab

Webinar Series

3 Presentation Streams

Lessons form the Field

Research in Progress

Best Practices in Audit & Feedback

A group of researchers dedicated to improving healthcare outcomes by optimizing performance with Audit & Feedback (A&F) The members of the A&F MetaLab are internationally recognized leaders in the field of audit and feedback.

They have committed their expertise to developing the A&F MetaLab and promoting the use and development of audit and feedback to improve healthcare delivery and health overall.

The mission of the A&F MetaLab is to develop an international research and healthcare community to achieve the following:

  • Encourage shared learning from international A&F implementation laboratories
  • Engage with healthcare system partners regarding their use of A&F
  • Provide a trusted source of evidence and recommendations for performing A&F
  • Develop a repository of international A&F lab members and their expertise
  • Encourage the promotion and uptake of A&F evidence
  • Synthesise evidence from the A&F implementation lab activities
  • Training for building research capacity and practical expertise in A&F
  • Develop an ongoing repository of evidence from randomised tests of refinements to A&F in the various national implementation labs

Steering Group


What is Audit & Feedback?

Audit & Feedback (A&F) is any summary of clinical performance of healthcare provided over a specified period of time.

This summary may be given in a written, electronic or verbal format ( Jamtvedt et al. 2006 ) and may include recommendations for clinical action ( Ivers et al. 2014 ).

The summary data may have been obtained from medical records, computerized databases, or observations from patients.

How does Audit & Feedback work?


