Graphic of puzzle pieces and the title EMPaCT

What is EMPaCT?

EMPaCT is an award-winning model of equity-promoting patient engagement that is spreadable and scalable.

EMPaCT was co-designed by diverse members of community as a space where:

  • People with diverse lived/living experiences can engage with health and social system decision-makers in a safe way
  • The collective lived/living experiences of people are mobilized into knowledge through community-based Health Equity Analysis
  • Recommendations are provided to decision-makers on how to make their projects more inclusive and equity-promoting
  • New research questions and policy directives are initiated that are person-centred and community-driven

EMPaCT builds system capacity to do equity-promoting patient engagement in the following ways:

  • Advances the applied health science of ‘how to’ do equity-promoting patient engagement
  • Seeds new EMPaCTs within the health and social care
  • Shares knowledge through co-designed tools and resources
  • Offers experiential learning opportunities that actively develop skills and competencies

Members of EMPaCT also directly inform the design and activities of the Improving Cancer Care Equity (ICCE) Research Program led by Dr. Ambreen Sayani. ICCE is focused on increasing equity in cancer care through promoting cancer prevention, early detection and access to high quality cancer care for all population groups.

Evolution of EMPaCT

Equity Mobilizing Partnerships in Community (EMPaCT) is a novel and scalable patient partnership model co-designed to centre the voices of diverse community members and build capacity for equity-promoting patient-oriented decision-making in healthcare. EMPaCT was co-initiated in 2020 by patient-oriented researcher, Dr. Ambreen Sayani (Scientific Lead) and patient partner, Alies Maybee (Patient Partner Lead) who set out to challenge exclusionary patient engagement practices in healthcare.

Our vision is to connect patient/community voices into healthcare decision-making in a timely, efficient and equitable way so that policies, research, and programs include the perspectives of diverse peoples.

EMPaCT works with project implementers (EMPaCT Impact Partners) who are motivated to learn from people with diverse lived experiences, enhance the inclusivity of their work, and reduce health inequities. 

Impact Partners include: 

  • health system decision-makers 
  • policy-influencers including health/social service administrators 
  • research and quality improvement teams

EMPaCT Impact Partners engage with EMPaCT to understand:

  • how different communities might be impacted by a project 
  • what unintended outcomes may occur as a result of a project 
  • how equity in health can be better addressed for the communities involved

EMPaCT has a five-step engagement process. As part of this process, Impact Partners receive a confidential written report validated by all EMPaCT members, which captures key themes and recommendations from the community engagement. 

EMPaCT has also built expertise as a group to conduct Health Equity Analysis. Unlike most HEAs which are conducted by scientists and policy administrators, EMPaCT members use the diversity of their lived experiences as a collective analytical lens to deliver HEA evaluations and recommendations. 

To our understanding, we are the first community-based group of people with diverse lived experiences to offer and conduct HEAs. 

To learn more about how we work, view this video: EMPaCT: Partnering for Change

Interested in a health equity focused engagement with EMPaCT? Contact Dr. Ambreen Sayani at (ambreen.sayani@wchospital.ca), Scientist at the Women’s College Research Institute, Women’s College Hospital. 

EMPaCT has co-developed various tools to support better praxis (reflection + action) in equity-promoting engagement. Sign up through this Google Form to receive new resources as they become available.

Power Wheel The Power Wheel is an action-oriented tool that supports better praxis (reflection + action) in equity-promoting patient engagement.
Diversity JigsawA tool used to recognize the multidimensional nature of individuals’ experiences and to promote inclusivity in patient engagement. (.pdf download)
Asset Mapping ActivityA tool used to identify and mobilize existing skills, knowledge, relationships, organizations, physical infrastructure, and other available resources within a patient engagement project.
Engagement MeterA tool used to monitor and reflect on different levels of patient engagement in decision-making
Video Playlist
PodcastS2E2 of Per Usual Podcast – Listen to EMPaCT’s meaningful and purposeful approach to equity, diversity, and inclusion in patient engagement in research
Making an Impact Tool
EMPaCTs Five Steps to a Community-Engaged Health Equity Analysis (CEn-HEA)This worksheet outlines EMPaCT’s Five Steps to a Community-Engaged Health Equity Analysis (CEn-HEA) praxis tool for reflection and action, emphasizing the importance of psychological safety, lived experience, and actionable recommendations to advance health equity.
Virtual Community of PracticeIn 2024, EMPaCT launched a Virtual Community of Practice on equity-promoting patient engagement in health research, policy, and practice. This community of practice brings together people with lived experience, practitioners, researchers, and health system leaders to share learnings and build competencies in equity-focused engagement.

Interested in learning more? Please contact Dr. Ambreen Sayani at ambreen.sayani@wchospital.ca.
Request a knowledge productEMPaCT has authored four academic publications and over 27 confidential reports for health system partners seeking to advance equity in their work.

Interested in a knowledge product from EMPaCT? Please contact Dr. Ambreen Sayani at ambreen.sayani@wchospital.ca.
PublicationsEMPaCT has published various articles on equity promoting patient engagement. (See below)


  • Engaging Multi-stakeholders for Patient Oriented research Wider Effects & Reach (EMPOWER) Award, Ontario Strategy for Patient-Oriented Research (SPOR) Support Unit (OSSU) (2021). The Ontario SPOR SUPPORT Unit is supported by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research and the Province of Ontario.
  • Quality Award. Quality Improvement Patient Engagement Award, Women’s College Hospital (2022).

Funding in support of our work

Public Health Agency of CanadaScaling up Equity-Mobilizing Partnerships in Community (EMPaCT) to Facilitate Intersectoral Action on the Social Determinants of Health
Canadian Institutes of Health ResearchPromoting equity, diversity and inclusion in patient-oriented research by disseminating lessons learned from a co-designed innovation in equity-focused patient engagement: Equity-Mobilizing Partnerships in Community (EMPaCT)
Canadian Institutes of Health ResearchAn equity-oriented patient engagement theory of change model
Ontario Strategy for Patient-Oriented Research (SPOR) Support Unit (OSSU)Co-building Equity-Mobilizing Partnerships in Community (EMPaCT) to increase impact through equitable patient-oriented partnerships in research, policy and practice.

The members of EMPaCT cover a wide range of diverse and intersectional lived experiences. Our experiences are best represented by the diversity jigsaw.

I am a young woman with disability, and I am also an artist, advocate, student, Torontonian, storyteller, sock enthusiast, writer, maximalist, bookmaker, lifelong learner, quote collector, hug giver, mind wanderer, introvert, and lover of deep conversations. I am a forever fighter.

I advocate for young patients, specifically for young girls and women who share my story and my pain. Because the only thing a patient should have to deal with emotionally is having to come to terms with the fact that their body simply can’t successfully do the thing it needs to do to keep them alive, and not an accumulation of medical trauma.

My name is Fatah and I am a young person who identifies as Muslim, Black, and ethnically Somali. I was raised in Scarborough and still reside in the east-end of the GTA. I have experience living amongst immigrant and racialized communities and have grown up seeing economic disparities and disparities in access to health.

I advocate for mental health care, health equity, issues impacting youth, and upward social mobility for the communities I come from and live alongside.

I am a white 30-something woman with Scottish and English roots who calls Toronto home. My parents moved to Canada the year before I was born, and my siblings and I grew up in Montreal and Toronto. I am motivated by loved ones’ experiences navigating the healthcare system for complex and chronic health conditions and mental health concerns.

I advocate for a healthcare system that centres the needs of everyone and promotes health and well-being.

I’m a young woman with a strong desire to support those in need. Throughout my adolescence and into my adulthood, I frequently visited hospitals. I have had type 2 diabetes since I was a young child. Although my family is from El Salvador and Nicaragua, I was born in the beautiful city of Toronto, Ontario. As a society’s crown ward, I was involved in the child welfare system and am now making the transition to independence. I discovered that I required a lot of assistance in figuring out where to seek care for my physical and mental health.

I am employed by the community and justice services sector. I want to raise awareness of issues like how underpaid and understaffed hospital employees are. We must make sure that healthcare professionals are treated fairly and with respect.

My life experiences allow me to bring the perspective of a newcomer to Toronto and challenges shared by many inexperienced with navigating Canadian systems. I also bring experience as a caregiver to elder loved ones, supporting them through home care and various other health care services. Guyanese born, I’m also able to share my experience living, learning and working in Toronto as a Black male and will continue to advocate for equity and social justice in all discussions.

I advocate for equal access for all individuals to enable community participation and citizenship.

I am an organizer and advocate working with underserved communities, specifically refugees and refugee claimants. I connect with families all across the GTA and work primarily in the Thorncliffe Park and Flemingdon Park area.

I advocate for residents and agency employees. I coordinate a resident-lead group called Engaged Communities that focuses on youth development, mobilizing and amplifying community voices, particularly youth and newcomer voices. I am also a caregiver for my mom who has an autoimmune brain condition. This has inspired me to advocate for caregivers too.

I am part of a minority religion and from the most discriminated ethnic minority group in my motherland. I grew up as an immigrant. I had the opportunity to live in my home country a few years ago but I had to leave it and come to Canada as refugee in August 2021.

I advocate for equality, equity and an inclusive system. As one of the basic human rights, everyone deserves to access health services when they need them regardless of their background and status.

In the eighties, I came to Canada alone as a Visa student with no English. Then I became an immigrant after working as a live in nanny/domestic housekeeping job under the immigration caregiver program. And finally rooted as a Canadian citizen with no regrets.

The life journey in Canada is bitter and sweet! New bonds friendships, churches and communities cares, unexpected adopted parents…discrimination, inequity, injustice…poverty, homeless, hunger…has paved latter part of my life as an anti-poverty activist, fighting to have policy/systemic changes to make peoples lives better!

I grew up in Quebec with a Dutch mother, and an English Canadian father who died when I was 12. I have two birth sons, a chosen son who came to us as a 16 year old refugee from Sudan and four grandchildren. I took care of my mother who died a few years ago of dementia in the Netherlands.

I advocate for changing health systems and information to centre on the person and for inclusive patient/public engagement so that our health system can serve all people fairly.

I was raised by a single mother who had recently immigrated to Canada from Ghana. As a first-generation child, I have seen the difficulties of transitioning into Canadian culture/workforce and the struggles of raising a family on a single income. I am a black woman and a member of the invisible disability community.

I am a proud advocate of providing equitable health services especially for lower socioeconomic communities. I hope to continue to provide awareness on racism, feminism, sexual assault, systemic inequalities, mental health and well being.

I am a woman and a senior who lives with schizoaffective disorder. I became ill in my teens and spent years trying to find help in the siloed and disjointed mental health system in Ontario. I now spend my days promoting understanding and support for those with psychotic illnesses.

A veteran of the mental health system in Ontario, I advocate better and more timely mental health services in addition to the right to literacy for all.

I am a woman from a minority religion. I came to Canada from a country where women and children are the most vulnerable population. I am a human rights especially women and children’s rights defender. I advocate for women empowerment, gender equity & gender equality.

I want to make sure that everyone has access to high-quality services in an equitable manner without any decimation and abuse.

Marlene Rathbone passed away in July 2023. Her legacy and wisdom are deeply entrenched into the values and mission of EMPaCT. Marlene’s message was simple, “Be kind, be compassionate and just listen.”

I am a middle-aged, indigenous woman. My reserve is the Crees of Waskaganish First Nations. I was a part of the Sixties Scoop when indigenous people were taken away from their families and raised in non-indigenous homes. I worked at Anishnawbe Health as an outreach worker.

I advocate for eliminating racism and discrimination towards all races and cultures. I am a promoter of showing love and kindness towards all people. I believe in equality for all people because we are all unique in our own ways, and we all have something special to offer the world.

I am a black woman of mixed heritage and culture. I am a single parent to a transgender daughter who lives on the spectrum and caregiver to her and my 91 year old mother who suffers from many ailments.

I advocate for social responsibility and I want to make sure that the healthcare system in Ontario and Canada works for everyone.

I am woman, person of colour and from a religious minority. I moved to Canada in 2014 with two young kids and aging parents. I am often sandwiched between caring for both of these generations as their health, social and emotional needs are different yet intertwined.

I advocate for fairness and equity – all of us need access to the right resources, tools and opportunities so that we can thrive and live a healthy life.

I am a black female, mother, spouse, life-long learner, servant leader, immigrant, and Canadian. I have lived in Toronto Canada most of my life and enjoy telling new Canadians about their roots that made this country. Grade 6 was my life-defining year. It’s the year I noticed a child’s physical response to learning, the year I found and read little Anne Frank’s diary and wept alone in the back corners of the library, overwhelmed at the extent of evil and injustice in this world. I decide there and then that one has the choice to be a destroyer or a healer. I chose the latter, and have lived a life of service, love, joy, peace, and advocacy.

I was born on July 18, 1992 in Toronto. I have Filipino, Polish and Canadian-Indigenous heritage. I am a quadriplegic due to a Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) and Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) suffered in a motor vehicle accident. I spent a year recovering in three different hospitals after my accident.

I advocate for people living with disabilities because I experience the issues with accessibility, discrimination, social support, transportation, employment and more.

My parents and I immigrated to Hong Kong from Richmond Hill, Ontario, when I was 7 years old. I can speak Cantonese fluently, but do not know how to read or write in Chinese. I’ve lived in Amsterdam, Vientiane, and Bogotá for school and work.

I believe housing is a human right. I advocate for the elimination of homelessness and to make housing safe and affordable for all.

EMPaCT is grateful for the support of members of the EMPaCT Knowledge to Action Committee who help shape its knowledge dissemination activities and tools.

  • Dr. Ibukun Abejirinde – Scientist, Trillium Health Partners
  • Shivani Chandra – Operational Lead, Health System & Policy Innovation, Women’s College Hospital
  • Trish Chatterpaul – Manager, System Strategy, Planning, Design & Implementation (Health Equity), Ontario Health
  • Brady Comeau – Senior Program Lead, Patient Safety, Equity, and Engagement, Healthcare Excellence Canada
  • Emily Cordeaux – Implementation Lead, EMPaCT, Women’s College Hospital
  • Brianna Dunstan – Student, Masters in Translational Research, University of Toronto
  • Hilary Edelstein – Assistant Director, Ontario SPOR SUPPORT Unit
  • Annemarie Edwards – Vice President, Cancer Strategy and Innovation, Canadian Cancer Society
  • Dr. Vicky Forster – Patient and Community Engagement Lead, Women’s College Hospital
  • Mohaddesa Khawari – Research Assistant, Women’s College Hospital
  • Dominic Jarrett – Learning Disabilities Development Manager, North Ayrshire Health & Social Care Partnership
  • Theresa Kay – Director of Professional Practice, Women’s College Hospital
  • Bilal Khan – Lead, Equity, Inclusion and Diversity, and Anti-Racism, Ontario Health
  • Dr. Kerry Kuluski – Dr. Mathias Gysler Research Chair in Patient and Family-Centered Care, Institute for Better Health, Trillium Health Partners
  • Alies Maybee – Independent Patient Partner, Co-Initiator (Patient partner lead), EMPaCT
  • Dr. Priscilla Medeiros – Knowledge Mobilization and Community Engagement Specialist, Edwin S.H. Leong Centre for Healthy Children
  • Salva Niwe – Student, Health Sciences, University of Waterloo
  • Kathy Nguyen – Communications Advisor, Women’s College Hospital
  • Dr. Aisha Lofters – Chair in Implementation Science, Peter Gilgan Centre for Women’s Cancers, Women’s College Hospital
  • BC Pomeroy – Independent Patient Partner
  • John Riley – Assistant Director, Ontario SPOR SUPPORT Unit
  • Dr. Ambreen Sayani – Scientist, Women’s College Research Institute, Women’s College Hospital, Co-Initiator (Scientific lead), EMPaCT
  • Dr. Jay Shaw – Tier 2 Canada Research Chair in Responsible Health Innovation, University of Toronto
  • Dr. Carolyn Steele Gray – Tier 2 Canada Research Chair in Implementing Digital Health Innovation, University of Toronto
  • Dr. Shelley Vanderhout – Scientist, Learning Health Systems, Institute for Better Health, Trillium Health Partners
  • Adrienne Zarem – Patient Partner, Healthcare Excellence Canada