
LHS Seminar Series

Note: The LHS Seminar Series is only available to WCH staff and physicians.

Women’s College Hospital is on the journey to becoming a Learning Health System (LHS) – fostering a culture of curiosity and engagement where everyone is continuously asking thoughtful questions about current processes, delivery, and outcomes, to determine if and where we’re adding value and how we can work together to enact improvements.

As part of this commitment, WCH Academics holds a virtual LHS Seminar Series where speakers are invited each month to share their experiences with an LHS, what resources are required, the value-added, and how it might impact the way in which they conduct their work.

View the previous seminars below

September 12, 2023: The Who, What, Why and How of Learning Health Systems
October 10, 2023: Learning Health Systems: Power to Patients
November 14, 2023: Frameworks, guidelines, and tools to develop an LHS for Indigenous health.
December 19, 2023: Recap of LHSs + Introduction to New LHS Toolkit
April 9, 2024: The ImproveCareNow Learning Health Network
February 13, 2024: Learning Moments from WCH
May 2, 2024: Creating a Learning Health System: Translating Research into the Standard of Care
March 5, 2024: SickKids Data Sciences Unit Strategy to Enable Data Use and Machine Learning
June 11, 2024: Creating a Collaborative Community of Practice: The SCOPE-MH Initiative

Women’s College Hospital’s Day of Excellence in Academics celebrates achievements in research, innovation, quality improvement, practice, collaboration, teaching and mentorship. As an organization focused on healthcare innovation and system solutions, WCH is implementing a Learning Health System. This approach requires integrating research, key learnings, feedback and quality improvement into everyday processes to provide high-quality patient care.