Carmen Logie, PhD, studies health equity, with particular attention to the associations between intersectional forms of stigma, access to care, and sexual health outcomes. Her research focuses on understanding social and structural contexts of HIV and STI vulnerability, and developing community-based HIV and STI prevention programs. She has active programs of research in collaboration with youth, LGBTQ populations, African Caribbean people, Indigenous people, people living with HIV, and persons at the intersection of these identities in Canada and Jamaica. She is an Ontario Ministry of Research & Innovation Early Researcher (2016-20121), and a former Grand Challenges Canada Rising Star in Global Health and Canadian Institutes of Health Research post-doctoral fellow. She was recently awarded a Canadian Foundation for Innovation (CFI) award to develop a digital storytelling and multi-media lab. Dr. Logie is currently funded by CIHR, SSHRC, CFI and the Ontario Ministry of Research & Innovation.
PhD, Social Work, University of Toronto, 2010
Master of Social Work, Eastern Michigan University, 2003
- Ontario Ministry of Research and Innovation, Early Researcher Award (2016-2021)
Title: Advancing Sexually Transmitted Infections and HIV Prevention Among Young Women: Improving Young Women’s Sexual Health - Connaught New Researcher Award, University of Toronto (2014)
- Outstanding Master of Social Work Alumni, Eastern Michigan University (2013)
- New Investigator Award, Canadian Association for HIV Research (2013)
- Rising Star in Global Health, Grand Challenges Canada (2011-2012)
- Sexually transmitted infections
- Prevention
- Stigma and discrimination
- Intersectionality and structural violence theory
- Community-based interventions
- LGBTQ health and human rights
- Health of displaced persons and migrants