What or who inspired you to join the Emily Stowe Scholars Program (ESSP)?
One of my professor’s introduced me to the significance and practice of community-driven research when address challenges in public health. I was really inspired by her work and wanted to be able to engage in similar research. They encouraged me to apply to this program when we were discussing opportunities to get involved.
What was your first impression of Women’s College Hospital?
I was surprised by how much work maintained a social focus and how dedicated so many of the scientists and researchers are to health equity and working with marginalized populations.
What interests you most about the area of research that you’re working in?
I have been interested in learning community-oriented processes of research groups who have launched successful cancer screening interventions and considering how their learning can be applied to other contexts.
What do you think you will enjoy the most about being part of ESSP?
I think that getting to be involved in a network of people who have such diverse interests but share that dedication to advancing health equity, has already been amazing and I look forward to continue learning about my peers’ work and the work of everyone else connected to ESSP.
Personal or professional answers welcome: What is something that makes you smile?
My garden! I am beginning to see some of my first tomatoes of the year and have already harvested strawberry and basil to add some freshness to my kitchen.
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