Continuing Education

Education Awards

Women’s College Hospital (WCH) Education Awards nominations are now open! The awards ceremony will take place in April of each year during the Day of Excellence in Academics.

This is open to physicians, staff including nurses, allied health, non-clinical staff who supervise students, and administrative staff who support students/learners.

We welcome nominations from:

  • Learners/students, staff, physicians and volunteers
  • Clinical education coordinators and education leads
  • Managers and department chiefs
  • Collaborating teachers and peers
  • Education scholars and researchers
  • Self

This nomination package is for the following award categories:

  • Education Coordinator/Program Administrator Education Award
  • Education Innovation Award
  • Education Scholarship Award
  • Interprofessional Education/Interprofessional Care Award
  • Learner/Student as a Teacher Award
  • Patient Education Award
  • Teacher/Educator/Clinical Instructor/Preceptor Award (including New Teacher Award)

We look forward to receiving this year’s nominations.

How to submit a nomination:

  1. Review the Education Awards Guidelines
  2. Two ways of submitting a nomination: Electronic Submission or Paper Submission (submitted to room 2440).


Contact Information:

Sharon Tan, Room 2440 – 76 Grenville St.

MD Student Conference Bursary

The Academic program at Women’s College Hospital (WCH) is pleased to announce a new medical student travel bursary to promote education scholarship among early career medical trainees.

Through a generous donation, the Academic program offers this bursary to support University of Toronto medical students from all Academies who were supervised by a WCH supervisor and who presented their education research or scholarship at an academic conference (e.g. medical, healthcare, education).

Up to $1,500 will be awarded among successful applicants (i.e., a total of $1,500 annually) to help cover costs such as travel, accommodation, conference registration, and posters. Successful applicants will be notified via e-mail and be recognized at the annual Women’s College Hospital Day of Excellence Ceremony in the spring.

The bursary submission deadline is Friday March 29, 2024.