Epic is a research-enabling platform that integrates clinical care and research to improve the patient experience, optimize patient care, and enhance operational research efficiency. Epic research workflows enable efficiency and clinical care for research patients – including research notes, encounter linking, research association, research orders, etc.
Epic will now allow for:
- Improved communication about research activities between clinicians and researchers
- Greater access = greater responsibility for clinical research staff
- Easier feasibility assessment, eligibility screening, recruitment and enrollment
- Integrated scheduling of research visits, tests and interventions
- Flexible mechanisms for documenting medical oversight for regulatory authorities
The following research functionality is active in Epic:
- Research study maintenance – study activation, enrollment, research indicators, notifications, etc.
- Research documentation – notes, encounters, SmartPhrases, Preference lists, Adverse events
- Research orders – blood collection, Investigational medication, imaging
- Research dashboards
- Research reports/ SlicerDicer: Recruitment, Orders
Epic Research functionality basic workflow:
Guides and Tip Sheets
To get an account in Epic you will need to attend the Epic research training. These in-person training sessions are scheduled on the first Friday of every month.
To register for Epic Research training, please email Rodica.balaci@wchospital.ca
No. With the introduction of Research functionality in Epic we have created special security for research staff (e.g. research coordinator, research assistant, PI, etc.)
Yes. All research staff have access to SlicerDicer. If you require additional training, please contact rodica.balaci@wchospital.ca
No. Only prospective interventional and observational studies are imported in Epic on a weekly basis.
All prospective REB approved studies are imported in Epic each Friday. If you do not see your study in Epic after it has been approved, please contact Rodica.balaci@wchospital.ca and/or marie.steele@wchospital.ca .
For additional information regarding Epic Research, please contact:
Rodica Balaci at Rodica.balaci@wchospital.ca