WCH REDCap Support Services

New Process of Requesting a New Project in REDCap – January 2025

We are pleased to let the WCH Research community know that there is now a new, streamlined method of requesting a new project within REDCap (click ‘+ New Project’ once you’ve logged in).  This will allow better support, as well as improved metrics and faster turnaround.  Along with this, there’s also a survey available for new accounts; you can go to https://redcap.link/WCH_NewAccount if you need an account for an existing project, or if requesting an account for a new project, the New Project Request survey will allow you to fill in this information.

WCH REDCap Support Services

REDCap is a secure web platform for building and managing online databases and surveys. REDCap’s streamlined process for rapidly creating and designing projects offers a vast array of tools that can be tailored to virtually any data collection strategy.

WCH REDCap Support Services
To support our researchers, WCHRI offers two REDCap support models.

  • Full build by WCH REDCap Support Services (at cost)
    • This option allows WCH Researchers access to a trained REDCap Administrator to build their databases and surveys to the specifications required.
    • This is particularly suitable for projects with complex study design requiring custom functions.
    • To maximize the platform’s capabilities, and to provide an estimated budget, WCH REDCap Support Services requires the Protocol, CRFs, and Data Management Plan together with the Project Intake Form.
  • Super User Build (no cost)
    • WCH REDCap Support Services will provide access to an empty project at no cost to the WCH Researchers upon request to the REDCap Super Users who have completed mandatory training.
    • WCH REDCap Support Services will review project requirement for appropriateness of the build and confirm feasibility. WCH REDCap Support Services reserves the right to require the build by its REDCap administrator based on the assessment of the project complexity in order to minimize risk to the platform.
    • WCH REDCap Support Services will be responsible for REDCap system administration (e.g. system upgrades, periodic threat risk assessments, system validation, and user account management).
    • In addition to the documented training and bi-weekly drop-in sessions.

REDCap Training

REDCap Drop-In Sessions

WCH REDCap Support Services regularly hosts twice-weekly REDCap drop-in sessions to support our researchers in addition to the documented training materials. Drop-in sessions are intended to provide an informal opportunity to research teams that may require more complex solutions specific to their projects. Pre-registration is not required.

Please note that WCH REDCap training sessions and support services are provided for the benefit of WCH staff and researchers only.

WCH REDCap Users Guide

WCH REDCap Users Guide (Version Date 30DEC2024) – This guide outlines and describes how to use REDCap functionalities as approved for use at Women’s College Hospital.

Both service models require that the WCH REDCap Project Intake form is completed and submitted to REDCap@wchospital.ca

Health Canada Regulated Clinical Trials
WCH REDCap Support Services maintains a validated instance of REDCap for use in Health Canada regulated investigator-initiated clinical trials. System level validation is intended to support academic researchers comply with GCP requirements, as applicable. Kindly note that in addition to system level validation as maintained by WCH Support Services, each clinical trial will require project level validation by the study teams.

If you are planning an investigator-initiated clinical trial that requires a Health Canada submission, please contact redcap@wchopsital.ca for consultation.

  • Researchers should connect with the REDCap team early in the process. The sooner they are involved the greater help they can be.
  • REDCap is highly customizable. Teams should provide their full list of requirements in order to maximize the platform’s capabilities.
  • All documentation must be completed before REDCap is able to move to production.

Data Management for Clinical Research | Vanderbilt University through Coursera

  • This course presents critical concepts and practical methods to support planning, collection, storage, and dissemination of data in clinical research. The course covers various EDCs with a focus on REDCap

Vanderbilt REDCap Resources – Videos | Vanderbilt University via ProjectREDCap

  • Informational REDCap videos that can help you get started and gain a better understanding of the REDCap application and its functionality

CAMH REDCap YouTube Channel – Video Tutorials | Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH)

  • Series of YouTube video tutorials on REDCap as developed by the CAMH REDCap team

University of Colorado REDCap YouTube – Video Tutorials | University of Colorado Denver

  • Series of YouTube video tutorials on REDCap as developed by the University of Colorado

University of Alberta “Getting Started” Guide | University of Alberta

  • Introductory guide to starting REDCap projects as developed by the University of Alberta

REDCap Introductory Video | University of Chicago Centre for Clinical and Translational Science

  • A 1 hour 20 minute video developed by the University of Chicago introducing REDCap

REDCap Beginner’s Guide | University of Chicago Centre for Research Informatics

  • A short beginner’s guide to REDCap developed by the University of Chicago

REDCap Introductory Guide and Detailed Features List with Q&A | University of Arizona Health Sciences

  • Extensive list of video tutorials on REDCap features a Q&A and miscellaneous topics


This is being developed and updates will be shared shortly.

Protocol, Case Report Forms (CRFs), and anything related to the project (e.g. data management plans, statistical analysis plans, etc.). REB / APQIP Approvals, Contracts, etc. would be needed as they become available, and must be provided before going into production.

Yes, but they need project-by-project review.

No, as per the license agreement, the Project Owner (PI, Co-PI, etc.) must be employed or affiliated with WCH.


For more information about REDCap, please contact: