Driving positive change requires spreading awareness and elevating the importance of the issues facing older women. Women’s Age Lab is raising awareness through stories among researchers, healthcare providers and decision-makers to inform leaders, create context and identify solutions to transform health and social care for older women.
This October marks the Women’s Age Lab’s launch of a global-first campaign on combatting gendered ageism #EndGenderedAgeism, designed to advance equity and diversity through raising awareness about the harmful impact of age and gender-based discrimination. The campaign supports global movements on aging such as the WHO Decade of Healthy Ageing and the Global Campaign to Combat Ageism.
You can participate in this campaign by sharing your voice on social media to raise awareness by using the hashtag #EndGenderedAgeism.
Women’s Age Lab has also created this toolkit for everyone including clinicians, researchers, policymakers, community advocates, and individuals from all walks of life to tackle gendered ageism and spread awareness about it in their communities and networks.