Research Finance

Updated Process for Opening Cost Centres (November 2023)

The process for opening a new Cost Centre has been updated:

If the funding is being provided directly from a Grantor as a result of a grant competition (e.g. CIHR, Heart and Stroke, etc):

  • PID from the WCH Grants Office
  • WCH REB/APQIP Approval Letter (or REB Exemption Letter**) – in case of CTO, Centre Approval Letter*
  • Grant Award Letter (e.g. CIHR Authorization of Funding Letter) or Fully Executed Research Contract if required by funder
  • Copy of the approved budget  

*There may be cases where the requirement maybe exempted – please see Note 2 of the Cost Centre Opening Request Form.
**Visit the REB page for more information on REB Exemptions

If the funding source is industry (e.g. for a clinical trial or industry grant) or sub-granted through another institution where a Research Contract is required:

  • WCH REB/APQIP Approval Letter (or REB Exemption Letter**) – in case of CTO, Centre Approval Letter*
  • Fully Executed copy of the Research Contract (including the budget)

*There may be cases where the requirement maybe exempted – please see Note 2 of the Cost Centre Opening Request Form.
**Visit the REB page for more information on REB Exemptions

If the funding source is WCH Foundation:

  • WCH REB/APQIP Approval Letter (or REB Exemption Letter**) – in case of CTO, Centre Approval Letter*
  • Confirmation of funding from WCH Foundation (email confirmation is acceptable)
  • Copy of the approved budget (if available)

*There may be cases where the requirement maybe exempted – please see Note 2 of the Cost Centre Opening Request Form.
**Visit the REB page for more information on REB Exemptions

Please submit the completed form together with the supporting documents to Kathleen Hamilton (

For any questions, please reach out to Kathleen Hamilton, Research Operations Assistant.

Commonly used forms

Travel Pre-Approval Form

This form is required when you will be submitting travel expenses for reimbursement. Please ensure you review WCH expense reimbursement policy. The form is used to provide an estimate of expenses for pre-approval, and is required when submitting a disbursement requisition for travel-related expenses. Submit the completed form to Merlin Thomas.

Please note, expenses related to meals on this form are an estimate, not an allowance. Itemized receipts are required when submitting disbursement requisitions for travel expenses. Please review the section on Meals on page 5 of the expense reimbursement policy.

Travel pre-approval form can be accessed here.

Disbursement Requisition Form

This form is used for requesting reimbursement related to travel expenses and purchases made on a personal credit card. This form is used to pay employees (not to be used to pay external vendors) in accordant with the hospital’s expense reimbursement policy. Include all receipts with your submission. Please ensure travel expenses are in alignment with the hospital’s expense reimbursement policy, and that you have previously filled out the Travel Pre-Approval Form. Contact Kathleen Hamilton to coordinate Katharine Schwartz’s signature.

The Disbursement requisition can be accessed here.

Expense Transfer Form

This form is used to move funds for an expense from one cost centre (internal order) to another. It is also referred to as an “Internal Transfer” or “Journal Transfer” form. Contact Kathleen Hamilton to coordinate Katharine Schwartz’s signature.

Internal Transfers form can be accessed here.

Ordering through Procurement System

Mohawk MedBuy (MMC) is our procurement system used for ordering supplies and services.
Check with your research team if they have a MMC account, if not, send requests to Kathleen Hamilton (provide your cost centre and a quote for the item/service you’re requesting).
There are certain regulations for purchasing more expensive items/services to show due diligence. Please consult the WCH Purchasing Policy on the intranet.

Corporate Credit Card

Corporate card should be used for payment of subscriptions, events and honorariums. Supplies should be purchased with a Plexxus account.

For authorization, email Daniel Jin and cc Kathleen with the request details, including Cost Centre to be charged, Account Code, and relevant invoices. Once authorization is obtained, contact Kathleen for card information if needed. All receipts must be sent to Kathleen to reconcile.

Please email your request with the following information:

Study / Project and REB#:
Cost Centre:
Account Code:
Expense (Details and total value):


To submit an invoice for payment, add the Cost Centre and Account Code to the invoice. Submit the signed invoice to Accounts Payable.

  • For invoices over $5,000 please send to Kathleen Hamilton to coordinate Katharine Schwartz’s signature. Please include relevant supporting documentation.
  • Invoices less than $5,000 should be signed by the PI and submitted directly to Accounts Payable. Please include relevant supporting documentation.



*These forms are hosted on the intranet. Please ensure you’re onsite or connected through VPN in order to access.


Teams need to submit the Cost Centre Opening Request Form (Research) as well as supporting documents.

If the funding is being provided directly from a Grantor as a result of a grant competition (e.g. CIHR, Heart and Stroke, etc):

    • WCH REB/APQIP Approval Letter (or REB Exemption Letter**) – in case of CTO, Centre Approval Letter*

    • Grant Award Letter (e.g. CIHR Authorization of Funding Letter) or Fully Executed Research Contract if required by funder

    • Copy of the approved budget

If the funding is being provided directly from a Grantor as a result of a grant competition (e.g. CIHR, Heart and Stroke, etc):

  • PID from the WCH Grants Office
  • WCH REB/APQIP Approval Letter (or REB Exemption Letter**) – in case of CTO, Centre Approval Letter*
  • Grant Award Letter (e.g. CIHR Authorization of Funding Letter) or Fully Executed Research Contract if required by funder
  • Copy of the approved budget

If the funding source is WCH Foundation:

    • WCH REB/APQIP Approval Letter (or REB Exemption Letter**) – in case of CTO, Centre Approval Letter*

    • Confirmation of funding from WCH Foundation (email confirmation is acceptable)

    • Copy of the approved budget (if available)

*There may be cases where the requirement maybe exempted – please see Note 2 of the Cost Centre Opening Request Form.
**Visit the REB page for more information on REB Exemptions

Once these documents are in place you can reach out to Kathleen Hamilton open a new Cost Centre for your study.

Women’s College Hospital (WCH) requires that all research involving humans receive WCH Research Ethics Board (REB) approval prior to such research being undertaken, in concordance with the Tri-Council Policy Statement Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans, article 6.11. When research involving humans is funded, WCH REB approval must be in place before the hospital will grant access to the funds to the principal investigator.

The Agreement on the Administration of Agency Grants and Awards by Research Institutions between the Tri-Council and WCH states that the hospital shall “ensure, through the use of financial or other controls, that the Institution’s research ethics board (“REB”), or an REB designated by the Institution, has approved the research project before research activities involving humans have commenced, and that REB approval is maintained as long as activities involving humans are carried out. Where appropriate controls are in place, all Grant funds may be released prior to (or pending) REB approval.” (Section 4.3(d)). This federal Tri-Council standard is applied to all research funding awarded to WCH researchers and held at the hospital.

In exceptional circumstances where the principal investigator requires authorization to expend the part of their research funding that will cover only activities to be undertaken before research involving humans (that is, before WCH REB review and approval is required), WCH cost centres can be opened at the discretion of the Director, Research Operations. The reasons for such request should be documented in detail under the Cost Centre Exemption section within the Cost Centre Request Opening Form. The researchers must acknowledge and attest that they will not conduct any research involving humans until after REB approval for the project has been obtained, nor will they expend any research funds on activities that require REB review and approval.

There is an web based tool called Questica that PIs and their teams can use to view the financials for each one of the research grants that they hold. The link is http://wcdptqstcaprd01/Questica_PROD/mainDashboard.aspx

To gain access, please contact Merlin Thomas. Note that security controls are assigned per PI
It works best in Google Chrome, and you must be on the WCH network (either onsite or through VPN).

Please use the Internal Transfer Form, send to Merlin Thomas with back-up documentation.

Business Office 3rd Floor Room 3242

Please note that the following items are required for cheque submissions:

  • Physical cheque
  • Supporting documentation for cheque (invoice, letter, email, contract, etc.)
  • The cost centre number (41XXXXXXX)
  • Contact information

Note: All cheques should be addressed to:

Women’s College Hospital – Attn: Research Finance Room 6131

76 Grenville Street Toronto, Ontario, M5S 1B2

**Supporting Documentation must confirm where cheques are to be deposited to.

Work with Merlin Thomas to determine the expense amount for claim. Complete the Foundation Request Form and get the signatures and submit to Women’s College Hospital Foundation.


Always include proof of purchase for reimbursement (i.e. Transaction receipts and credit card statement) especially if purchase is of foreign currency.

Reimbursement must have itemized original receipts included. Lost receipts will not be reimbursed.

WCH does not provide financial support for this type of recognition, including gifts, catering or decorations and will not reimburse individuals for expenses incurred. In the case of bereavement, flowers may be appropriate, managers to apply their own discretion. Grants are not allowed to be used to fund Staff Appreciation Events. WCH supports gifts to staff members and celebrations through approved programs (long-term service awards etc.).

Credit card statements are used to verify foreign currency conversions and when receipts provided do no show a zero balance. The credit card statement must be used to verify how much was spent.


For further information related to research finance please contact:

For more information on cost centres, please contact: